In Search of Peter Richards

Peter Richards is a 5th generation family ancestor of mine who fought in the 34th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Regiment during the Civil War. He would be considered my Great Great Great Uncle. I've long been curious to know more about him. This past weekend I fell down an internet rabbit hole researching the story of his regiment. During this search, I came across some wonderful photographs that I wanted to share. One in particular really captured me...

He's in there somewhere. 

To my knowledge, there's no known photograph of Peter Richards, except of course this one. Peter served as a Private in F Company of the 34th Massachusetts.  The photograph above is of the entire regiment formed up while stationed in Virginia, and that means that one of those men shouldering a rifle is my ancestor. Mind blowing (and somewhat frustrating to be simultaneously so close and so far away from identifying him).

The research I did this past weekend was so rewarding, and bottomlessly fascinating.  I've decided to go on a real search for Peter Richards and will keep you updated on this blog.  Enjoy these other photographs.